Hydra Sports / 3600 VX Чартер

  • Подходит для рыбалки
  • Длина11 м
  • Скоростьмакс - 55 уз, крейсерская - 30 уз
  • Количество гостей8
  • Год выпуска2012
Цена за час AED 700 ~ $ 191
You may never rule the world, but you can certainly rule your world. The 3600 VX makes it all possible. With every feature and amenity you need to have dominion over the waves. You can't control the fish or the weather, but your 3600 VX is ready to be exactly the boat you decree it to be.

Fishing trip
Minimum hours: 4
Total Coast: AED 2800

Contact for booking: +971562524555; +97143479443
Отправьте заявку
или звоните +971562524555; +97143479443